Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ouch, ouch, & ouch...

Monday I started to develop a painful case of "mast-I want to cut my boobs off-itis" and all I want to say is OUCH! Every day I gain more respect for all those moms out there and I've felt like I've had so much help and a pretty easy baby. As if that wasn't enough my poor little boy was sick himself with a stomach flu and a rash. But it's Thursday now and I think we're almost through it.

Last Saturday we went to JC Penny's as a family and got lots of pictures taken it was so much fun! Corbin did so well he was wide awake and took TONS of cute pics. I'll have some to put up here soon.

1 comment:

daddymommyandbabysteggell said...

I totally feel you on the cute your boobs off things. I am so sorry to hear that your little guy was sick:( that always makes me so sad!!! I hope you both get feeling better:)