Sunday, January 29, 2012

28 Weeks

Well here it is. The Bump.

Technically in this picture I'm almost 29 weeks, 28 and 5 days to be exact.. but who's counting? Let's see what's new this pregnancy??? I'm definitely poking out, I get asked by everybody I see when I'm due, I want to eat fish-n-chips with chocolate for dessert everyday (although I don't), I am already wearing my belly band full time, and this little boy is so active you can see my tummy move from across the room.

I had another dream where I could see this little guy, and he looked a lot like Corbin, but with a little bit more of my brown hair. Apparently my subconscious mind is trying to help me cope with another boy in my dreams, because in my dreams he comes out the sweetest, happiest content baby.

A girl can dream.

1 comment:

jayna said...

You are lovely as usual!! And I think a brunette sweet boy is just what you'll get! :)